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Free Sound Effects and Music

Download FREE Sound Effects

Royalty Free Production Music

We have an ever expanding variety of free royalty free music here at freeSFX and all the tracks on our website can be used for free in your video, film, commercial, YouTube video, radio programme, television programme, podcast, website etc.

Free SFX / Free Music Tracks

We are provide free music tracks for you to use in your productions. This site is free for you to use and the music is available for you to place in any commercial, non-commercial, public service announcement, game, YouTube video, audio visual production or other project that you might devise.

What We Get

You must credit if you use our music. How you do this is up to you but make sure that you include our website URL in your credit.

There are more than 880 music tracks on this site, and we post new music as it becomes available. We offer music in 23 different general categories (listed above).

Most Royalty Free Music is not free and does not come without royalties. It is also known as buyout music or stock music. Usually, someone who uses Royalty Free Music pays an upfront price to purchase unlimited lifetime synchronization rights to a musical track, but does not purchase the copyright or ownership of the music itself. After paying this one-time upfront fee, the purchaser can use the music as many times as they want, for as long as they like and in an unlimited number of different projects or productions. There are no additional license fees based on usage after the initial purchase of the music track.

At we skip the upfront licensing fees, but the other parts of the process are still true. For instance, we allow you to use the music in a personal or professional context for yourself, your clients or your employer. You can make money from it, or commercialize it. But the music itself may not be sold, transferred, bartered, traded, shared, leased, or given away to any other party and the synchronization license to the individual track (which we grant you free of charge) may not be subleased to another party. Send them to our site and they can download it for themselves, free of charge.

Remember that you do NOT have right to resell the music unless it is an intrinsic part of your own project or production, i.e. you have made and are selling a video work that is complete in itself and uses the music as a background track.

You cannot sing over the music track with lyrics that you have written yourself or add a new instrumental line and then market the resulting composition as your own music or as your own original song. Even if the original track has been transformed or edited; or if you add other instruments or vocals to the music the copyright of the music composition and recording always belong to the composer and publisher of the music. This manipulation would be called a 'Derivative Work' and is definitely not allowed.

You are allowed to record your speaking voice and use the music as an audio background for an audio book, storytelling, hypnotherapy, guided meditation, self-help program or any kind of narration. The reason this is allowed is that the music is used as background for a product that is not marketed as a 'song' or a musical product. The purpose of the music is not altered in any way and the copyright of the music remains clearly and entirely in the hands of the composer and the publisher.

The music we offer comes in a wide variety of modern and period genres, styles, moods and tempos - everything from classical orchestrations to animated cartoon compositions. provides all of these music tracks to you for your use in productions, games, live performances and more. Just credit our site in return.

Free SFX / Free Sound Effects
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This web site provides free sound effects that you are able to use in any commercial, non-commercial, broadcast multimedia/audio visual production.

What do we get in return?

You must credit if you use our sound effects or music in your project. How you do this is up to you but please make sure that you include our website URL in your credit.

What do we offer?

More than 4,500 individual sound effects files, all fully catalogued so you can search or browse through our sound effect categories to find what you need. And we aren't just sitting back to let it ride. We are still curating and adding new sounds to the site every month.

More than 850 music tracks in a variety of styles from Comedy to Patriotic.

You can use these free sounds in films, television programs and commercials, radio programs and commercials, public service announcements.

You can make money by using these sounds in games or apps; on web sites, in blogs or podcasts. Check out our End User License (link below) for full details.

There are some restrictions in how you can use our sound effects and music, but they all make sense. You can't claim them as your own or distribute to other folks. You can't use the sounds in isolation; they must be mixed into other audio or visual elements in your project. But you can use them for a live theatrical performance, for instance if there is creaking door or a thunder roll that occurs offstage. That would be a perfect live performance use for our sounds. You can read all about this in our End User License.

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What Are Sound Effects?

We think of sound effects as falling into 4 main categories: isolated sounds, specialty effects, foley sounds and background sounds.

Isolated Sounds
Isolated sounds include the sounds of everyday items like doorbells, car horns and telephone rings. These are the real and specific sounds that you hear such as dogs barking, guns firing, doors slamming and car tires screeching during a car chase.

Specialty Effects
Specialty effects include sounds that are designed to be used for objects and places that exist only in our imaginations. You might use special effects in cartoon, fantasy and science fiction productions. They would enhance the production by creating a special sound for a space transporter, the magic of a genie's brass lamp, or for gigantic purple people eater cartoon animals.

Foley Sounds
Foley sounds are crucial for motion picture and television productions; sometimes the use of Foley sounds is called audio sound replacement. The magic of Foley places footsteps into a film soundtrack – recreates the rattle of a coffee cup being put down on a table – provides the realistic rustle of clothing and the ever popular punch in the face. These and many other sounds must be dubbed during post production on the film's soundtrack in order to be heard by the audience. They are named after Jack Foley – a pioneer in the sound replacement field.

Background Sounds
Background sounds, or ambience tracks, provide the basic environment for a production. These sounds provide all of the subtle atmosphere that makes the film-goer or binge-watcher really feel like he is in a courtroom, a church, a train station, a thunderstorm or a jungle. provides all of these sounds to you for your use in productions, games, live performances and more. Just credit our site in return

Alternate Text Can’t find the sound you need? Sound Ideas has over 500,000 sound effects and music tracks! Visit Website